Miguel Torres, Cordillera Chardonnay

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Features Vegan
Country Chile
Grape variety Chardonnay
Brand/Winery Miguel Torres
Color White
Flavor profile Powerful, Rich, Full Bodied
Area Limari Valley
Awards 2022 - Tim Atkin : 93/100 in 2024
Vinification The grapes for this Chardonnay are harvested by hand only. Miguel Torres has the grapes brought in early in the morning while they are still asleep. This way they preserve a certain freshness and the chance of bruising during transport is kept to a minimum. Each bunch is optically checked because only the best Chardonnay bunches end up in the bottle of Cordillera. The golden juice is aged for nine months, which gives it its full and powerful taste. 42% of the wooden barrels that are used for this Cordillera Chardonnay are new, this gives the wine its creamy and complex taste.
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